*RESCHEDULED*--> Screen/Society: "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" outdoors on the East Campus Quad! (moved due to rain last week)

Monty Python and the Holy Grail
(Terry Gilliam & Terry Jones, 1975, 89 min, UK, in English, Color, DVD)
[NB: The alternate indoor location, in case of rain or bad weather, will be in the East Duke Building, room 204B on the 2nd floor.]
From its opening multi-language titles (is that Swedish?) to the closing arrest of the entire Dark Ages cast by modern-day bobbies, this film helped to define 'irreverence' and became an instant cult classic. This time the Pythons savage the legend of King Arthur, juxtaposing some excellently selected exterior locations with an unending stream of anachronistic one-liners, non-sequiturs, and slapstick set pieces. When the mythical king of the Britons leads his knights on a quest for the Holy Grail, they face a wide array of horrors, including a persistent Black Knight, a three-headed giant, a cadre of shrubbery-challenged knights, the perilous Castle Anthrax, a killer rabbit, a house of virgins, and a handful of rude Frenchmen.
Free Popcorn and beverages will be provided!
Cost: Free and open to the public!
Sponsors: The First Year Library Advisory Board, Duke University Libraries, Devils After Dark, and the Program in the Arts of the Moving Image