Screen/Society--AMI Showcase--2016 AMI Student Film Awards Screening (jury selections of outstanding student films from 2015)

2016 AMI Student Film Awards Screening:
"Showcasing the Jury Selections for Outstanding Duke Student Films of 2015!"
Featuring these works by the following student filmmakers (in alphabetical order):
Nathan Bellis '16, LCFilm
Tristan Bouan '18, Black Mirror
Jason Calixto '18, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind-Remake
Jason Chandra '17, Madness
Peyton Dilweg '18, Forest
Estlin Haiss '16, If You Listen Closely
Qathi Hart '16 (Grad), Oculus
Victoria Hazebrouck '16 (Grad), Rhythm Of My Life
Sylvia Herbold '17 (Grad), Ariadne
Austin Liu '17, Goodbye Son
Michelle Mackenzie '19 (Grad), Tender Meats
Rohan Mehrotra '18, Home Alone Remix
Elaine Pak '17, Ballad in 16mm
Arturo Reyes '17, Memoir to When Ure Hero Falls x 2Pac
Abhi Shah '16, Jimmie Banks
Austin Tate '18, Dreams of Cannibalism
Kobi Theiler '18, Brother
Griffin Unger '17, Blind Date
Elayne Wang '19, Wonderland
Jane Xu '19, Home
Total Running Time: approx. 79 min.
Cost: Free and open to the public
Sponsors: The Program in the Arts of the Moving Image (AMI).