Screen/Society--AMI Showcase--"2018 AMI Student Film Festival"

2018 AMI Student Film Festival
Curated festival of works produced in Spring 2018 AMI Courses at Duke University.
Student films to be screened:
1. Xuenan Cao (grad), Parker
2. Gabriel Guedes ‘19, In Memory, Myself
3. Brett Lardaro ‘19, All Night Longer
4. Jonathan Michala ‘20, Man from the South
5. Kelsey O’Donnell ‘19, The Queen of the Mountains
6. Chandler Phillips ‘18, Blackness Be
7. Stephen So ‘18, Red:Blue
8. Khalid Williams ‘18, House Hunt
9. Yuqi Yun ‘18, Broken Together
Total running time: ~37 min.
Sponsored by the Program in the Arts of the Moving Image (AMI)
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Screen/Society screenings are free and open to the public.
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