Screen/Society--Cine-East--"Heart of Snow, Heart of Blood" [rescheduled from 9/16]

Monday, September 17, 2018 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Still from HEART OF SNOW, HEART OF BLOOD by KIM Soyoungow image

 [**RESCHEDULED SCREENING** - originally scheduled for Sunday, 9/16, but that screening date was canceled due to weather]
(NB: Filmmaker KIM Soyoung is unable to join us for this screening. Her other documentary, Goodbye My Love North Korea, will no longer be shown at Duke this semester, but may be rescheduled in a future semester.)

Cine-East: East Asian Cinema series:

Heart of Snow, Heart of Blood
(Kim Soyoung, 2014, 100 min, South Korea, in Russian, Koryo, and Korean w/ English subtitles, Color, Digital)

-- Introduced by Prof. Nayoung Aimee Kwon (AMES)

Migration and mobility often involve the most unusual suspects, as one can see in the documentary films of Kim Soyoung. Her documentary Heart of Snow, Heart of Blood tells of the tragic deportations of Soviet ethnic Koreans to Central Asia under Stalin in 1937, their resilience under the harshest of conditions, and their lives today in a world shaped by migration, repatriation, and the desire to simply stay put. In its striking mix of Russian, Koryo and Korean, the film shows the fragile cosmopolitanism of those always branded as second-class citizens – one of the central subjects of the ongoing Open City Project, of which the film is a part.

Sponsored by the Asian/Pacific Studies Institute (APSI), Program in the Arts of the Moving Image (AMI), Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES), Asian American Studies Program (AASP), and Duke Korea Forum.

[ Facebook Event ]

Screen/Society screenings are free and open to the public.

Parking Info:

Rubenstein Arts Center, Film Theater