Screen/Society--"Correspondences: The Silent Films of Helga Fanderl"-- w/ Helga Fanderl in attendance [new date/new 8pm time]

Thursday, October 25, 2018 - 8:00pm to 9:30pm
Still from one of Helga Fanderl's films

[Rescheduled Screening Event--New Date and Time!]

Correspondences: The Silent Films of Helga Fanderl

With her mind and senses open to reality and holding a small camera in hand she is catching the moment and makes her films while filming. Inspired by patterns of movements, by rhythms, forms, textures and colors she simultaneously transforms into film what she sees, feels and imagines, shaping images, shaping time, always in correspondence with the subject matter. Her short films are all in-camera edited. There is no postproduction. So each film reflects the chronology and the process of its creation.

The individual film is completed in itself, but the artist always presents her work in changing compositions. Making a temporary 'montage‘ lasting around 60 minutes means to create a unique ephemeral 'film‘ for every screening. The interplay of different films with their different motifs and rhythms evokes all kind of correspondences and contrasts. The viewer experiences an intense cinematic microcosm and easily loses the normal notion of time and space. With every program Helga Fanderl represents essential aspects of the poetics of her work in general.

Programming in constantly new configurations is an important part of her artistic practice, in accord with the way the films are created. Thus the work remains open to changes in reading and interpretation.

The artist usually projects herself from the auditorium so that the sound of the projector can be heard and the projection becomes a live event.

Fanderl says, “My films record encounters with events and images in the real world that attract me […] Every single film preserves and reflects the traces of its creation, the sensations and emotions I felt in the moment of filming.“

About the filmmaker:

Helga Fanderl was born in Ingolstadt, Germany, in 1947. She accomplished German and Roman Studies in Munich, Paris and Frankfurt. In the mid-80s she discovered filmmaking.  She finished art studies at the Städelschule in Frankfurt in 1992 as 'Meisterschülerin‘ of Peter Kubelka and then studied for a year with Robert Breer at the Cooper Union in New York. Since 1990 she has been presen-ting her films worldwide in film museums, cinemas, exhibition spaces, art galleries, film schools and festivals like New York Film Festival, Toronto International Film Festival, Cinéma du Réél, Paris and International Short Film Festival Oberhausen. She also has presented selected films in exhibitions and installations: “Fragil(e)", Städtische Galerie Erlangen; "Nuits Électriques“, Moscow House of Photography Museum/Mulitmedia Art Museum, Moscow and LABoral Centro di Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón; "Films sur pierres“, Goethe-Institut, Paris.

Sponsored by the Department of Art, Art History, and Visual Studies--Visiting Artist Program. Co-sponsored by the Program in the Arts of the Moving Image (AMI), the Office of the Vice Provost for the Arts, the Master of Fine Arts in Experimental & Documentary Arts (MFA|EDA), and the Department of Germanic Languages and Literature.

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Screen/Society screenings are free and open to the public.

Parking Info:

Rubenstein Arts Center, Film Theater