Screen/Society--Muslim Cultures Film Series--"DEEN TIGHT"

Deen Tight
(Mustafa Davis, 2009, USA, in English, Color, DVD)
A group of Muslim hip-hop artists try to find a balance between their Western culture and Islam. Music, considered taboo by many traditional Muslims, has also become one of the most prominent methods for Muslims to share their faith internationally. Muslim hip-hop is a global phenomenon reaching from the skyscraper-laden skies of New York all the way to the deep deserts of Arabia. It is a subculture that transcends boundaries of language, gender and religion. Deen Tight brings to the screen the untold story of Western Muslims struggling to reconcile their culture and their religion. Filmed on location at concerts, in recording studios, at homes and in the streets, the film features Muslim rappers, DJs, slam poets, breakdancers and one graffiti artist. It focuses on the perceived conflict between traditional religious ideals and modernity, as well as on the positive and negative influences of Western pop culture on today’s Muslim youth.
for more information, visit Deen Tight's website
-- Part of the Muslim Cultures Film Series.
Cost: Free and Open to the Public
Sponsors: Duke Islamic Studies Center, Department of African and African American Studies, Department of Religion, and Program in Arts of the Moving Image (AMI)