Screen/Society--NC Latin American Film Festival 2018--"O processo | The Trial"

2018 N.C. Latin American Film Festival:
O processo | The Trial
(Maria Augusta Ramos, 2018, 137 min, Brazil, in Portuguese w/ subtitles)
--Q&A w/ director Maria Augusta Ramos
The impeachment and removal from office of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff in 2016 was triggered by a corruption scandal involving, among others, her then vice-president Michel Temer. Director Maria Augusta Ramos follows the trial against Rousseff from the point of view of her defense team. This is a courtroom drama that unfolds slowly; the appearances of the various parties gradually turn the proceedings into something akin to theater. Inside the courtroom, grand emotions are played to full effect while, on the other side of the doors, lobbyists and supporters pace the corridors. Meanwhile, outside, in front of Brasília’s modernist government buildings, demonstrators are chanting like a Greek chorus.
Related event on Friday Oct 26, 5.30pm:
[in Fredric Jameson Gallery, Friedl Building, East Campus]
"The Crisis of Brazilian Democracy"
-- Panel discussion about O Processo / The Trial with filmmaker Maria Augusta Ramos, in conversation with Duke History Prof. John French and Wesley Hogan, Director of the Center for Documentary Studies.
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Sponsored by the Duke-UNC Consortium in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, The Duke Brazil Initiative, the Office of Global Affairs and the Program in the Arts of the Moving Image (AMI)
Screen/Society screenings are free and open to the public.
Parking Info for 10/27 film screening:
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