Screen/Society--Refugee Film Series--"Not Who We Are: A Documentary about the Lives of Syrian Women Living as Refugees in Lebanon"

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm
Screen/Society--Refugee Film Series--"Not Who We Are: A Documentary about the Lives of Syrian Women Living as Refugees in Lebanon"

This screening is part of the Middle East Refugees Awareness Week (April 8-17):

Not Who We Are: A Documentary about the Lives of Syrian Women Living as Refugees in Lebanon

(Carol Mansour, 2013, 75 min, Lebanon, in Arabic w/ English subtitles, Color, Digital) 

-- Q&A to follow w/ Prof. miriam cooke (AMES) and Anna Lamb '15 (Undergraduate Council)!

Not Who We Are highlights the story of Syrian refugees who became displaced due to the brutal war in Syria. In early 2013, Syrians became the fourth largest refugee population in the world. Bereft of social support networks, women, in particular, become vulnerable to discrimination, violence, and abuse. Not Who We Are chronicles the lives of five women refugees, from different socio-educational backgrounds. In Lebanon they struggle against life's daily brutality and try to rebuild lives shattered by war. They provide us with a glimpse into their daily hardships as well as their strength, resilience and ability to survive.


Cost: Free and open to the public.

Sponsors: The Duke Islamic Studies Center (DISC), the Undergraduate Council, the Duke University Middle East Studies Center (DUMESC), the Program in the Arts of the Moving Image (AMI), the Duke-UNC Consortium in Middle East Studies, and the Public Policy Studies Major’s Union (PPSMU). Screening made possible by the generous permission of Forward Film Production (Beirut, Lebanon).

Bryan Center Griffith Film Theater