Screen/Society--Rights! Camera! Action!--"The One Who Builds" + panel discussion w/ filmmakers & special guests

Film Screening:
The One Who Builds
(Peter Carolla, Nick Gooler and Hillary Pierce, 2012, 37 min, USA, in English, Color, Blu-Ray)
Panel Discussion to follow, with:
-- Hillary Pierce (co-director of the film)
-- Peter Carolla (co-director of the film)
-- Million Mekonnen (director, North Carolina African Services Coalition)
-- Lynn Little (North Carolina Refugee Program)
The One Who Builds is a 37 minute documentary film about the life and work of Dr. Omer Omer, once a Sudanese refugee, now an American citizen who is paying it forward as the director of a refugee resettlement organization. In Greensboro, Omer has transcended boundaries dictated by society, race and religion to build a new village, one friendship at a time.
-- Winner of Best Documentary Short at the Kansas City Film Festival and Best Documentary Short at the the Massachusetts Independent Film Festival
Cost: Free and Open to the Public
Sponsors: The Duke Human Rights Center at the Franklin Humanities Institute (DHRC@FHI), the Archives for Human Rights & Documentary Arts in the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, and the Program in Arts of the Moving Image (AMI)