Screen/Society--AMI Faculty Showcase--Josh Gibson

AMI Faculty Filmmaker Spotlight—Films of Josh Gibson
In Attendance: Josh Gibson (director), Steve Milligan (DP), John Supko (composer), Julianna Tauschinger-Dempsey (actress) and other Duke crew participants.
Pig Film
(Josh Gibson, 2018, 60 min, USA, B&W/Color, DCP)
In an empty world, a solitary female mechanically follows the protocols of a factory hog farm. Her labors are sporadically punctuated by musical rhapsodies as she moves toward the impending end. Is it the end of the world, a program malfunction, or the beginning of a film?
"Eccentrically shot on glimmering, weathered celluloid, Pig Film pulls voltage from the electro-mechanical wellspring of Eraserhead and outsmarts the noisy, forced psychedelia of multiplex tripsters like Noé and Aronofsky, scratching a post-human mythology into Southern rust." - The New Orleans Film Society
Shown with:
Kudzu Vine
(Josh Gibson, 2011, 19 min, USA, B&W, 35mm)
Through images of kudzu-covered forms, photographed in black and white, hand-processed 35mm CinemaScope and radiating with the luminance of early cinema, this ode to the climbing, trailing, and coiling species Pueraria lobata evokes the agricultural history and mythic textures of the South, while paying tribute to the human capacity for improvisation.
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