Filmcraft Workshops

The workshops are open to all Duke students, with no sign-up or registration required.

In the Cinematic Arts Film Studio, room 232 in the Rubenstein Arts Center.

The Spring series will be held every Sunday from January 19th to February 23rd, with a session in the morning at 10:30am and in the afternoon at 2pm.

The Cinema Camera
JAN 19, Sunday
10:30am to 12:30pm
2pm to 4pm
Camera systems and camera operating for motion picture photography.
Camera Movement
Jan 26, Sunday
10:30am to 12:30pm
2pm to 4pm
The machinery and techniques of camera movement.

Film Lighting I
FEB 2, Sunday
10:30am to 12:30pm
2pm to 4pm
The machinery and skills of cinematic lighting.
Film Lighting II
Feb 9, Sunday
Lighting Technique: 10:30am to 12:30pm
Location and set lighting for cinema.
Color Grading: 2pm to 4pm
Post color grading and related techniques.
Film Sound
Feb 16, Sunday
Location Sound: 10:30am to 12:30pm
The machinery and techniques of location sound recording.
Sound Design: 2pm to 4pm
Sound design workflow and technique.
Feb 23, Sunday
10:30am to 12:30pm
2pm to 4pm
Modern post-production workflow.


Steve Milligan