
Course Numbering
Curriculum Codes

0-99 Advanced Placement Credit; House Courses; First-Year Seminars;
First-Year Writing; Registrar/Department special purpose
100-199 Introductory-level undergraduate courses; basic skills/activity courses; foundation courses; Focus program courses
200-399 Undergraduate courses above introductory level
400-499 Advanced undergraduate, senior seminars, capstone courses, honors thesis courses
500-699 Graduate courses open to advanced undergraduates
700-999 Graduate only courses (not open to undergraduates)

Areas of Knowledge

  • ALP: Arts, Literatures, and Performance
  • CZ: Civilizations
  • NS: Natural Sciences
  • QS: Quantitative Studies
  • SS: Social Sciences

Modes of Inquiry

  • CCI: Cross-Cultural Inquiry
  • EI: Ethical Inquiry
  • STS: Science, Technology, and Society
  • FL: Foreign Language
  • R: Research
  • W: Writing

To see courses offered during a specific semester, please visit DukeHub and select “Class Search”.

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Number Title Codes
CINE 89S First-Year Seminar
CINE 139 The Hollywood Musical: Singing and Dancing the American Dream CCI, ALP
CINE 141S Audiovisual Cultures in East Asia: Film, Music, and Other Media CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 142 LGBTQ/Queer Cinema and Cultural Production ALP, SS
CINE 169 Documentary Photography and Film of the Nuclear Age CCI, CZ
CINE 190 Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 190S Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 201 Introduction to Film Studies ALP
CINE 202 History of Documentary Film CCI, ALP
CINE 202A History of Documentary Film CCI, ALP
CINE 203S Film Theory STS, ALP
CINE 204S Media Theory STS
CINE 205 Contemporary Documentary Film: Filmmakers and the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival CCI, STS, ALP
CINE 207S Documentary and Policy: How Documentary Influences Policy ALP
CINE 208S The Silent Film: An Introduction STS, ALP
CINE 209A Internship in New York
CINE 210 Film Genres ALP
CINE 211S American Film Comedy ALP
CINE 212 American Dreams, American Movies ALP
CINE 213 Melodrama East and West CCI, ALP
CINE 214S American Independent Cinema CCI, ALP
CINE 215 Animated Film: A History and Aesthetic STS, ALP
CINE 216 Cinematic Authorship ALP
CINE 217A The Arts, Culture, and Performance of New York CCI, ALP
CINE 220S Production Management for Theater ALP
CINE 230S Sound, Music, and the Moving Image CCI, W, ALP, CZ
CINE 250 Master Filmmakers of Chinese Cinemas CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 251SA Berlin Film City: Movies in the Metropolis CCI, ALP
CINE 252 German Film ALP, CZ
CINE 253 Indian Cinema CCI, R, ALP, CZ
CINE 254 Italian Cinema CCI, ALP
CINE 255 Japanese Cinema CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 256 World of Korean Cinema CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
CINE 257 Contemporary Israeli Cinema CCI, EI, ALP
CINE 257S American Cinema: Redefined ALP
CINE 258S Islamic Media CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 259 Indian Cinema & Social Change CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 260 Anime: Origins, Forms, Mutations CCI, ALP
CINE 265 Anthropology and Film SS
CINE 266S Poetic Cinema CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 270S Storyworlds: The Art, Technology, and Pleasure of Narrative CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 271 Mafia at the Movies CCI, ALP
CINE 272 The Middle East Through Film CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
CINE 273 Religion and Film CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
CINE 276 America Dreams American Movies II: Independents Through Streaming CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 277S Independent African American Cinema CCI, ALP
CINE 278 Horror: Monsters, Vampires, and Ghosts in Film and Literature
CINE 280AS Studies in the United States Culture Industries R, W, ALP
CINE 281S How to Write a Horror Movie CCI, W, ALP
CINE 283A Introduction to Global Los Angeles: An Interdisciplinary Survey (Service-Learning) CCI, EI, ALP
CINE 284S Russian Language and Culture through Film CCI, FL, STS, SS
CINE 285S Russian Language and Culture through Film II CCI, FL, STS, ALP, SS
CINE 286 German History Through Film EI, ALP, CZ
CINE 289S Understanding Mediation CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 290 Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 290A Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 290S Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 295A Arts, Film, or Media Practicum
CINE 301S Moving Image Practice STS, ALP
CINE 302S Writing Movies and Plays: Adaptation W, ALP
CINE 303S Writing the Short Film W, ALP
CINE 304S Ready for Prime Time: Writing the Dramatic TV Episode W, ALP
CINE 305S Screenwriting W, ALP
CINE 306S Writing the Movie. Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Writing for the Screen W, ALP
CINE 307S Dance Film: Documentary Aesthetics in Dance-Moving Image Practice CCI, ALP
CINE 310S Acting For the Camera ALP
CINE 311S Video, Art, Politics CCI, ALP
CINE 315DS Environmental Issues & the Documentary Arts ALP
CINE 315S Environmental Issues & the Documentary Arts ALP
CINE 318S Sound in Cinema: Sonic Theories in Film and Media ALP
CINE 320S Film Animation Production ALP
CINE 322S Motion Graphics for Film and Video STS, ALP
CINE 325S Documenting Resistance on Film: The Poor People's Campaign from 1968 to Today
CINE 331S The Documentary Experience: A Video Approach R, ALP, SS
CINE 333S Representing the Real—Documentary and Other Fictions EI, ALP
CINE 334S Producing Docu-Fiction ALP
CINE 336S Autofictional Screenwriting: Crafting Personal Narratives for Global Cinema W, ALP
CINE 340S Experimental Filmmaking ALP
CINE 342S Filming Art ALP
CINE 343S Dance for the Camera R, STS, ALP
CINE 345S Hitchcock: Master of Suspense CCI, ALP
CINE 350S Sound for Film and Video ALP
CINE 351 3D Modeling and Animation ALP
CINE 352S Time, Space and Film R, STS, ALP
CINE 353S The Nature Film: History and Practice STS, ALP
CINE 355S Cinematography ALP
CINE 356S 16mm Film Production ALP
CINE 357S Editing for Film and Video ALP
CINE 366S Video Journalism ALP, SS
CINE 367S Acting for the Camera On Location ALP
CINE 371 News as a Moral Battleground EI, R, W, SS
CINE 373S Recycled Cinema ALP
CINE 374S Watchdog News and Storytelling: Changing Forms of Accountability Journalism EI, W
CINE 378S 'Bollywood' Dance, Music and National Identity
CINE 381S Graphic Design in Motion ALP
CINE 385S Visiting Filmmaker Master Courses: Special Topics ALP
CINE 388S Expanded Cinema
CINE 390 Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 390S Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 391 Independent Study
CINE 395 Internship R
CINE 396 Cinematic Arts Internship
CINE 396S East-West Cinema
CINE 419 Spanish Cinema from the Transition to the Present CCI, FL, ALP
CINE 419A Spanish Cinema from the Transition to the Present CCI, FL, ALP
CINE 425S Advanced Writing for Stage and Screen CCI, ALP
CINE 429S Historical Documentary Production EI, R, ALP, SS
CINE 433S Science, Technology, and Art FL, STS, ALP
CINE 439S Screening Europe CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 451S Narrative Projects ALP
CINE 452S Animation Projects ALP
CINE 453S Cinematography II ALP
CINE 490S Special Topics In Cinematic Arts
CINE 491 Independent Study
CINE 498S Cinematic Arts Projects
CINE 499S Visual Arts Practice and Cinematic Arts Concentration Senior Capstone ALP
CINE 502S Analog Filmmaking and Darkroom Techniques ALP
CINE 511 Documentary and East Asian Cultures CCI, EI, ALP, CZ
CINE 540S Memory and Documentary Cinema in Latin America CCI, ALP, CZ
CINE 545 Black Camera: Still and Moving Images EI, ALP
CINE 609S Transpacific and Global Asia/America: Connecting Divided Histories and Knowledges CCI, ALP
CINE 610S Basic Concepts in Cinema Studies ALP
CINE 612S Theories of the Image: The Image in Walter Benjamin ALP
CINE 618S Theories of the Visual CCI, ALP
CINE 622S Film-philosophers/Film-makers STS, ALP, CZ
CINE 632 Questions of National Cinemas R, CZ
CINE 634S Producing Docu-Fiction ALP
CINE 635S 16mm Film Production ALP
CINE 639S Expanded Cinema: Cinema Outside the Movie Theater ALP
CINE 642 Citizen Godard CCI, W, ALP
CINE 643SL Narrative Practice in Global Art Cinema CCI, ALP
CINE 644S Third Cinema CCI, EI, STS, ALP, SS
CINE 650S Black Camera: Still and Moving Images CCI, ALP
CINE 685S Visiting Filmmaker Master Course: Special Topics ALP
CINE 690S Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 691 Independent Study
CINE 701S Experimental Filmmaking
CINE 702S Producing Docu-Fiction
CINE 703S Writing the Short Film
CINE 708S The Silent Film: An Introduction
CINE 711S Video, Art, Politics
CINE 716 Cinematic Authorship
CINE 718S Sound in Cinema: Sonic Theories in Film and Media
CINE 721S Motion Graphics for Film and Video
CINE 733S Creative Non-Fiction Cinema—Representing The Real
CINE 745S The Nature Film: History and Practice
CINE 749S Cinematography
CINE 750S Sound For Film and Video
CINE 751S Narrative Projects
CINE 752S Independent African American Cinema
CINE 753S Cinematography II Graduate
CINE 754S Animation Projects
CINE 757S Editing for Film and Video
CINE 771S Deleuze: Cinema and Philosophy
CINE 772 The Middle East through Film
CINE 773S Russian Language and Culture through Film
CINE 775S Recycled Cinema
CINE 788S Expanded Cinema
CINE 790 Special Topics in Cinematic Arts
CINE 791 Independent Study